Big Braw Community
Scotland is renowned for being a friendly nation, so why are so many people feeling isolated? Around one in ten people suffer from loneliness and we think that is far too high.
That’s why we want to establish Scotland’s Big Braw Community.
We are calling for politicians, businesses, charities and individuals to unite in a bid to halve chronic loneliness by 2030. We have already held a round table event at the Scottish Parliament, bringing together many of the nation’s most influential people.
All have backed our bid – and we will be outlining many more strands to our campaign in the weeks and months to come. We will also let you know how YOU can play your part.
Five ways to join our campaign:
- Call a relative or friend who is on their own for a chat.
- Check in on a neighbour who lives on their own and spend a few moments to find out how they are.
- If you’re going for a pint of milk, a loaf of bread or a newspaper, offer to get one for your neighbour.
- Share a cup of tea or coffee with someone who lives on their own – you might be the only other person they speak to in two weeks or more.
- If a couple of days pass by and you haven’t seen a neighbour who lives on their own, check and make sure they are okay.