Features Maggie Listens: My son wants to take a gap year but we think he should settle down and get a job September 12, 2020
Health & Wellbeing Maggie Listens: Our daughters want to throw us an anniversary party, but my husband wants a quiet life September 5, 2020
Features Maggie Listens: We’ve fallen out with our neighbours who failed to tell us they’re building an extension August 29, 2020
Features Maggie Listens: I caught my wife having an affair with her boss. Is there any hope for our marriage? August 22, 2020
Features Maggie Listens: Should I tell my son that his wife has accused me of favouring one of their kids? August 14, 2020
Features Maggie Listens: I think my daughter may have a drink problem but I don’t want to upset her by raising it August 4, 2020
Features Maggie Listens: My daughter has told me her boyfriend hits her. She may forgive him. What do I say? August 1, 2020